964 Steve Earle - Guitar Town (1986)

 964 Steve Earle - Guitar Town (1986)

Studio album - Country

About the Act:

Steve Earl started his musical career way back in the late 60s, but spent a while as a songwriter in Nashville.  His first album release was Guitar Town in 1986, he has had 15 studio albums, has written songs recorded by luminaries of the Country scene, has three Grammies, worked as an actor, written a play, a novel and a book of short stories. I guess he's been pretty successful.

About the Album:

This was Steve Earl's first studio album. It was well-received, and some people have ranked it as one of the best country albums.

My History with this Album:

None, nope, nada, nothing.


So, traditionally I have said that there are two music genres that I'm not very interested in, Rap and Country. Now I have been known to enjoy some exceptions in both genres, but I'm by no means a connoisseur.  To my untutored ears, this sounds like typical country. Simple music, mostly in major keys, nasal singing and cliche-ed lyrics. It does very little for me. Sure it hits those cliches front and centre, but there's nothing in this that excites or delights me. I can say "yee-haw". The playing is fine, but nothing special. The singing is so nasal you can tell it's Country, and at times it's hard to understand the words. But when you do, it's no great loss. Dull, dull, dull from dullsville, Tennessee.

Sorry.  If you like Country you might be appalled at my ignorance. It's not actually unpleasant in the background.


Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/23XSesuGuS2MZBXMBWwivR

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAE6sL9nOAoJMXIPjaV7C-yBQZKibvf5N

Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guitar_Town


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