918 R.E.M. - Document (1987)

 918 R.E.M. - Document (1987)

Studio Album - Alternative Rock

About the Act:

R.E.M. were one of the first bands to be thought of as "Alternative Rock", with an edgier style and sound, and songs with meaning and social commentary. At the start they were less accessible, but as their sound matured and became more accessible, they became radio-friendly, and had massive success. It helps that their singer, Michael Stipe, has a very distinctive voice, with a kind of nasal twang to it that lends itself well to pathos.

They were from Georgia, USA, existed from 1980 to 2011 and created 15 studio albums.

About the Album:

This was the fifth studio album by the band, and came around the time when they were starting to be noticed internationally and being successful.

My History with this Album:

None, although I know two of the songs "The End Of The World as We Know It" and "The One I Love" pretty well.


I have mixed feelings about R.E.M., some of their songs I really like, and It's The End of The World As We Know It, which is on this album, is probably my favourite song of theirs. Some of their later stuff is maudlin and depressing, but can be poigniant at times. Some of their songs, like "The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonight" (not on this album) are dull and over-repetitive. 

Anyway, the two songs I knew beforehand on this album are ones I like. The album as a whole, I think is pretty good. I don't think I know earlier stuff, but apparently this is the point where they are starting to mature. The songs are all about stuff, life and real things, but some are quite highly coded. There is an integrity to them, both lyrically and musically that I like, and I found this album to be quite palatable. Some of the songs had a more rough-edged sound than I normally expect from R.E.M., so I'm guessing that was where they were coming from previous to this.

All in all, pretty good. I think they had better albums to come.


Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/6gMv3MgFlieOM6Uz5GZBzy

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv8ZCmeG525YIkSEbyFsgcou4t7MtlIJA

Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Document_(album)


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