743 The Smiths - Louder Than Bombs (1987)
743 The Smiths - Louder Than Bombs (1987)
Compilation Album - Alternative Rock
About the Act:
The Smiths existed as an alternative Rock band from 1982 to 1987. Five years, in which time they wowed a generation and took the world by storm. They were famously from Manchester, and their two most famous members were Morrisey who sand and pranced about a bit, and Johnny Marr who played the guitar. They released four studio albums and have a loyal following.
About the Album:
This is a compilation album, of singles and B sides that had not been released in the US, created specifically for the US market, although it did sell in the UK as an import. It is a double album.
My History with this Album:
The Smiths. I have reviled them for years, without really knowing much of their music. Sorry, world. The problem was, I was in Manchester when they were at peak popularity, and so you had to have an opinion. Also, I'm not that impressed with Morrisey as a person.
So, this is a compilation album, which I didn't realise as I listened. I just thought it had been a regular album, and then that there were bonus tracks, as happens. No, it is, as compilations usually are, disjointed. The recording quality varies, and it jumps about somewhat.
Musically, actually it's not that alternative, at times it reminds me of It's Immaterial (especially Driving Away From Home) but I also couldn't help thinking that musically it is pretty mainstream, like I wouldn't think the backing was out of place on a 10CC album, or any one of a number of 70s bands and singers. At times the production is quite nice, and the guitar is pretty good. It has a tendency to be light-ish rock, not much crunch.
Insert into this pleasant but somewhat unremarkable music, the vocals and lyrics of Morrisey. I have put aside my prejudice as much as I can, and I will acknowledge two things: 1. The lyrics are kind of clever at times, and 2. Morrisey can sing. There is a tendency with the lyris to lead you in one direction and then go in a different direction. I can live with that. The tunes are, well Morrisey has a particular approach to tunes, but actually this seems less evident here, more variety and versatility. The subject matter is OK, a bit maudlin at times (but I shouldn't hold that against them).
All in all, apart from my ingrained aversion, there is little to dislike here. Unfortunately I didn't find much to actively like or at least to justify the intense respect which some fans seem to have.
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/45StnugV9WQMQwk4rRoTy8
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdlKjfbzZGdlStwLvXh_4PWmUM_MS-UAF
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louder_Than_Bombs
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