626 Dolly Parton - Coat of Many Colors (1971)
626 Dolly Parton - Coat of Many Colors (1971) Studio Album - Country About the Act: Dolly is from Tennessee. She is a singer, musician, songwriter, actress and philanthropist. She started out writing songs for other people, and continued to do so after starting a solo singing career in 1967. She has released a breath-taking 65 albums, and has sold many, many copies, being one of the best-selling and well-known country acts ever. She is well known for her large breasts, diminutive stature, plastic surgery, philanthropy and generally sunny nature. The more I find out about her, the more I like her. She has had one, very long marriage, seems very honest in public, and funded COVID vaccine research. She is strongly pro-vaccine, something needed it would seem. About the Album: This was her fourteenth album. Yes, it was only four years after her debut in 1967. It was her fourth album of 1971. Yowza. She wrote all but three of the songs, those other three being by Porter Wagon...